Ethernet e fetoha lilemo tse 50, empa leeto la eona le se le qalile

U tla be u le tlas'a khatello e matla ea ho fumana theknoloji e 'ngoe e bileng molemo, e atlehileng,' me qetellong e na le tšusumetso e kang Ethernet, 'me ha e ntse e keteka lilemo tse 50 bekeng ena, ho hlakile hore leeto la Ethernet le hole le ho fela.

Ho tloha ha e qaptjoa ke Bob Metcalf le David Boggs morao koana ka 1973, Ethernet e ntse e atolosoa le ho fetoloa hore e be protocol ea Layer 2 ho marang-rang a likhomphutha ho pholletsa le liindasteri.

"Ho 'na, ntlha e khahlang ka ho fetesisa ea Ethernet ke bokahohle ba eona, ho bolelang hore e kentsoe hohle hohle ho kenyeletsoa tlas'a maoatle le sebakeng se kantle. Linyeoe tsa ts'ebeliso ea Ethernet li ntse li atoloha ka likarolo tse ncha tsa 'mele-mohlala Ethernet e lebelo haholo bakeng sa lik'hamera tsa likoloi, "ho boletse Andreas Bechtolsheim, mothehi-mmoho oa Sun Microsystems le Arista Networks, eo hona joale e leng molula-setulo le ofisiri e kholo ea nts'etsopele ea Arista.

"Sebaka se nang le tšusumetso e kholo ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa Ethernet hona joale ke ka har'a litsi tse kholo tsa data tsa maru tse bonts'itseng kholo e kholo ho kenyelletsa le lihlopha tse hokahanyang tsa AI / ML tse ntseng li eketseha ka potlako," ho boletse Bechtolsheim.

Ethernet e na le lisebelisoa tse pharaletseng.

Ho feto-fetoha ha maemo le ho ikamahanya le maemo ke litšobotsi tsa bohlokoa tsa theknoloji, eo a ileng a re, "e fetohile karabo ea kamehla bakeng sa marang-rang leha e le afe a puisano, ebang ke ho hokahanya lisebelisoa kapa lik'homphieutha, ho bolelang hore hoo e batlang e le maemong 'ohle ha ho hlokahale hore ho qaptjoe marang-rang a mang hape. ”

Ha COVID e otla, Ethernet e ne e le karolo ea bohlokoa ea hore na likhoebo li arabile joang, ho boletse Mikael Holmberg, moenjiniere ea ikhethileng ea nang le Extreme Networks. "Ha re hetla morao phetohong ea tšohanyetso ea ho ea mosebetsing o hole nakong ea koluoa ​​​​ea lefats'e ea COVID, e 'ngoe ea lits'ebetso tse fetolang ka ho fetesisa tsa Ethernet ha ho pelaelo hore ke karolo ea eona ea ho thusa basebetsi ba ajoang," o boletse joalo.

Phetoho eo e ile ea beha khatello bakeng sa bandwidth e eketsehileng ho bafani ba litšebeletso tsa puisano. "Tlhoko ena e tsamaisitsoe ke basebetsi ba likhoebo ba sebetsang hole, baithuti ba fetohelang thutong ea inthanete, esita le ho eketseha ha lipapali tsa marang-rang ka lebaka la taelo ea ho arohana sechabeng," ho boletse Holmberg. "Ha e le hantle, ka lebaka la hore Ethernet ke theknoloji ea motheo e sebelisoang marang-rang, e thusitse batho ka bomong ho etsa mesebetsi e fapaneng ka katleho ho tsoa boiketlong ba malapa a bona."

[INGOLISE HONA JOALE bakeng sa ketsahalo ea ho qetela ea FutureIT ea selemo! Exclusive professional development workshop e teng. FutureIT New York, November 8]

E atile joalontshetsopelele tikoloho e kholo ea Ethernet e lebisitse holisebelisoa tse ikhethang-ho tloha ho sebelisoa ho International Space Station, lifofane tsa morao-rao tsa F-35 le litanka tsa Abrams ho ea ho lipatlisiso tsa maoatle.

Ethernet e 'nile ea sebelisoa ho hlahloba sepakapaka ka lilemo tse fetang 20, ho kenyelletsa le seteishene sa sepakapaka, lisathelaete le misio ea Mars, ho boletse Peter Jones, molula-setulo oa Ethernet Alliance, le moenjiniere ea hlahelletseng oa Cisco. "Ethernet e thusa ho hokahanya ka mokhoa o se nang moeli pakeng tsa li-subsystems tse bohlokoa haholo, joalo ka li-sensor, lik'hamera, li-control le telemetry ka har'a likoloi le lisebelisoa, joalo ka lisathelaete le li-probes. Hape ke karolo ea bohlokoa ea likhokahano tsa sebaka le sepakapaka le tsa sebaka le fatše. ”

Joalo ka phetisetso e nang le bokhoni bo eketsehileng bakeng sa liprothokholo tsa legacy Controller Area Network (CAN) le Local Interconnect Network (LIN), Ethernet e fetohile mokokotlo oa marang-rang a likoloi, Jones o boletse, ho kenyeletsoa likoloi le li-drones. "Likoloi tsa Aerial tse sa laoloang (UAVs) le Likoloi tsa ka tlas'a metsi tse sa laoloang (UUVs) tse nolofalletsang ho lekola tikoloho ea maemo a sepakapaka, maqhubu le mocheso, le lits'ebetso tsa ts'ireletso tse ikemetseng tsa moloko o latelang kaofela li itšetlehile ka Ethernet," Jones o itse.

Ethernet e ile ea hola ho nka sebaka sa liprothokholo tsa polokelo, 'me kajeno ke motheo oa komporo e phahameng ea ts'ebetso joalo ka motheong oaFrontier supercomputere nang le HPE Slingshot – hajoale e boemong ba pele har’a lik’homphieutha tse lebelo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng. Hoo e ka bang "libese tse khethehileng" tsa puisano ea data, ho pholletsa le liindasteri tsohle, li nkeloa sebaka ke Ethernet, ho boletse Mark Pearson, HPE Aruba Networking switching chief technologist le HPE Fellow.

"Ethernet e nolofalitse lintho. Lihokelo tse bonolo, tse bonolo ho e etsa hore e sebetse ho li-cabling tse sothehileng tse seng li ntse li le teng, mefuta e bonolo ea foreimi e neng e le bonolo ho e lokisa, e bonolo ho kenyelletsa sephethephethe ka mokhoa o bonolo oa taolo ea phihlello, "Pearson o itse.

Sena se entse hore sehlopha se seng le se seng sa sehlahisoa se nang le Ethernet se be kapele, se theko e tlase, se be bonolo ho rarolla bothata, Pearson o itse, ho kenyelletsa:

Li-NIC tse kentsoeng ka har'a liboto tsa bo-mme

Liphetoho tsa Ethernet tsa boholo bofe kapa bofe, tatso ea lebelo combo

Likarete tsa Gigabit Ethernet NIC tse ileng tsa bula liforeimi tsa jumbo

Ethernet NIC le Switch optimizations bakeng sa mefuta eohle ea linyeoe tsa ts'ebeliso

Likarolo tse kang EtherChannel - li-channel bonding sets tsa likou ho stat-mux config

Ntlafatso ea Ethernet e ntse e tsoela pele.

Boleng ba eona ba nakong e tlang bo boetse bo bontšoa ka bongata ba lisebelisoa tsa boemo bo phahameng tse ikemiselitseng ho ntšetsa pele mosebetsi oa theknoloji ho ntlafatsa likarolo tsa Ethernet, ho boletse John D'Ambrosia, Molula-setulo, IEEE P802.3dj Task Force, e ntseng e ntlafatsa moloko o latelang oa motlakase oa Ethernet le pontsho ya mahlo.

"Hoa thahasellisa ho 'na ho shebella nts'etsopele le tsela eo Ethernet e kopanyang indasteri ho rarolla mathata -' me tšebelisano ena esale e tsoela pele ka nako e telele mme e tla matlafala ha nako e ntse e ea," ho boletse D'Ambrosia. .

Le ha lebelo le ntseng le eketseha la Ethernet le hapa tlhokomelo e ngata, ho na le boiteko bo boholo ba ho nts'etsapele le ho ntlafatsa butle butle 2.5Gbps, 5Gbps, le 25Gbps Ethernet, e lebisitseng ho nts'etsopele ea mmaraka o moholo, ho re bonyane.

Ho latela Sameh Boujelbene, motlatsi oa mopresidente, setsi sa data le khamphase Ethernet switjha maraka lipatlisiso bakeng saSehlopha sa Dell'Oro, likou tsa li-switch tsa Ethernet tse libilione tse robong li rometsoe lilemong tse mashome a mabeli tse fetileng, bakeng sa boleng ba 'maraka bo fetang $450 bilione. "Ethernet e phethile karolo ea bohlokoa ho bebofatsa khokahanyo le ho hokahanya lintho le lisebelisoa ho pholletsa le liindasteri tse fapaneng empa, habohlokoa le ho feta, ho hokahanya batho lefatšeng ka bophara," Boujelbene o itse.

IEEE e thathamisa katoloso ea nako e tlang ho eonawebosaetetse kenyeletsang: ho fihlella hakhutšoanyane, li-optical interconnects tse thehiloeng ho 100 Gbps wavelengths; Precision Time Protocol (PTP) Litlhaloso tsa nako ea nako; Multigig ea koloi ea Optical; Mehato e latelang ho Single-Pair ecosystem; 100 Gbps holim'a mekhoa ea Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM); 400 Gbps ho feta mekhoa ea DWDM; tlhahiso ea sehlopha sa boithuto bakeng sa Automotive 10G+ Copper; le 200 Gbps, 400 Gbps, 800 Gbps, le 1.6 Tbps Ethernet.

"Portfolio ea Ethernet e ntse e tsoela pele ho hola, e kenyelletsang lebelo le phahameng le tsoelopele ea ho fetola lipapali joalo kaMatla holim'a Ethernet(PoE), Single Pair Ethernet (SPE), Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN), le tse ling, "Boujelbene o itse. (SPE e hlalosa mokhoa oa ho sebetsana le phetisetso ea Ethernet ka para e le 'ngoe ea mehala ea koporo. TSN ke mokhoa o tloaelehileng oa ho fana ka phano ea data e tiileng le e netefalitsoeng ka marang-rang.)

Theknoloji e tsoelang pele e itšetlehile ka Ethernet

Ha litšebeletso tsa leru, ho kenyelletsa le 'nete ea sebele (VR), tsoelo-pele, ho laola latency ho fetoha ntho ea bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa, Holmberg o itse. "Ho rarolla bothata bona ho ka 'na ha kenyelletsa tšebeliso ea Ethernet e kopantsoeng le Precision Time Protocol, e nolofalletsang Ethernet ho fetoha theknoloji ea khokahanyo e nang le merero e hlalositsoeng ea latency," o boletse joalo.

Ts'ehetso ea lits'ebetso tse ajoang tse kholo moo ts'ebetso e lumellanang e hlokahalang e hloka ho nepahala ha nako ka tatellano ea makholo a li-nanoseconds. "Mohlala o ka sehloohong oa sena o bonoa lefapheng la Mehala ea Mehala, haholo-holo sebakeng sa marang-rang a 5G 'me qetellong marang-rang a 6G," Holmberg o itse.

Marang-rang a Ethernet a fanang ka latency e boletsoeng esale pele a ka thusa li-LAN tsa likhoebo, haholoholo ho sebetsana le litlhoko tsa mahlale a kang AI, o boletse joalo, empa hape le ho hokahanya li-GPU ho pholletsa le litsi tsa data. "Ha e le hantle, bokamoso ba Ethernet bo bonahala bo kopantsoe le li-paradigms tsa theknoloji tse hlahang, tse bōpang tsela eo li sebetsang ka eona le ho fetoha," Holmberg o itse.

Ho theha meaho ea likhomphutha tsa AI le nts'etsopele ea ts'ebeliso e tla boela e be sebaka sa bohlokoa sa katoloso ea Ethernet, ho boletse D'Ambrosia. AI e hloka li-server tse ngata tse hlokang likhokahano tse tlase tsa latency, "Kahoo, khokahano e phahameng haholo e fetoha ntho e kholo. Mme hobane o leka ho etsa lintho ka potlako ho feta latency e fetoha taba hobane o tlameha ho rarolla mathata ana le ho sebelisa tokiso ea liphoso ho fumana tšebetso e eketsehileng ea mocha. Ho na le mathata a mangata moo. ”

Litšebeletso tse ncha tse tsamaisoang ke AI-tse kang litšoantšo tse hlahisang lihlahisoa-li tla hloka matsete a maholohali a lisebelisoa tse sebelisang Ethernet e le lera la puisano la motheo, ho boletse Jones.

AI le cloud computing ke tsona tse nolofalletsang khōlo e tsoelang pele ea litšebeletso tse lebeletsoeng ho tloha lisebelisoa le marang-rang, Jones a phaella. "Lisebelisoa tsena tse ncha li tla tsoelapele ho susumetsa tsoelo-pele ea tšebeliso ea thekenoloji le ho tsoa sebakeng sa mosebetsi," Jones o itse.

Le ho atolosoa ha marang-rang a se nang mohala ho tla hloka ts'ebeliso e eketsehileng ea Ethernet. Taba ea pele, u ke ke ua ba le waelese ntle le mohala. Libaka tsohle tsa phihlello tse se nang mohala li hloka meaho e nang le mehala, "ho boletse Greg Dorai, motlatsi oa motlatsi ea phahameng, Cisco Networking. "Mme litsi tse kholo tsa data tse matlafatsang maru, AI, le mahlale a mang a kamoso kaofela li hokahantsoe ka lithapo le fiber, kaofela li khutlela ho li-switch tsa Ethernet."

Tlhokahalo ea ho fokotsa thapo ea matla a Ethernet e boetse e tsamaisa nts'etsopele ea eona.

Ka mohlala, Energy-Efficient Ethernet, e matlafatsang lihokelo ha ho se na sephethephethe se sengata, e ka ba molemo ha ho fokotsa tšebeliso ea matla ho bohlokoa, ho boletse George Zimmerman: Chair, IEEE P802.3dg 100Mb/s Long-Reach Single Pair Ethernet. Lebotho la Mosebetsi. Seo se kenyeletsa le likoloing, moo sephethephethe sa marang-rang se sa tsitsang kapa se sa tsitsang. "Ts'ebetso ea matla ke ntho e kholo likarolong tsohle tsa Ethernet. E laola ho rarahana ha lintho tse ngata tseo re li etsang,” o boletse joalo. Seo se kenyelletsa litsamaiso tsa taolo ea indasteri le mahlale a mang a ts'ebetso, "leha ho le joalo, re na le tsela e telele eo re lokelang ho e tsamaea pele e lumellana le ho ata ha Ethernet ho IT."

Ka lebaka la ho tloaeleha ha eona, lipalo tse ngata tsa litsebi tsa IT li koetlisetsoa ho sebelisa Ethernet, e leng se etsang hore e khahle libakeng tseo hajoale li sebelisang liprothokholo tsa thepa. Kahoo ho e-na le ho itšetleha ka letamo le batlang le le lenyenyane la batho ba tloaelaneng le bona, mekhatlo e ka hula ho tloha letamong le leholoanyane le ho kena lilemong tse mashome tsa tsoelo-pele ea Ethernet. "Mme kahoo Ethernet e fetoha motheo ona oo lefatše la boenjiniere le hahiloeng ho oona," Zimmerman o itse.

Merero eo ea boemo e ile ea tsoela pele nts'etsopele ea theknoloji le ts'ebeliso ea eona e ntseng e hola.

"Ho sa tsotellehe hore na bokamoso ke bofe, Ethernet ea Bob Metcalf e tla be e le teng e kopanya ntho e 'ngoe le e' ngoe hammoho, le haeba e ka ba ka sebōpeho seo Bob a neng a ke ke a se lemoha," Dorai o itse. "Ke mang ea tsebang? Avatar ea ka, e koetliselitsoeng ho bua seo ke se batlang, e kanna ea tsamaea ka Ethernet ho hlaha sebokeng sa boralitaba bakeng sa sehopotso sa lilemo tse 60. ”

Nako ea poso: Nov-14-2023